Who’s Using Unfiltered?
These are some projects and companies that have used Unfiltered. Are you using Unfiltered? Fork this page on github.
Unfiltered, Netty, and RabbitMQ run Meetup’s real-time APIs.
Entire web layer of the Novus real-time financial analytics platform has been built by maxaf using Unfiltered. We have a myriad custom request unapplies and use Scalate extensively. There’s no better way to express web application concerns than using Scala idioms. High engineer productivity and type safety have contributed a lot to our product’s bottom line.
Remember The Milk
Remember The Milk uses Unfiltered for all web services, including the web app, public API, real time updates and syncing endpoints for Android, iOS and Outlook.
Trust Metrics
Trust Metrics uses Unfiltered everywhere. We use it in our API, our client facing app, our intranet, and even our web crawler. We use it because it’s simple and nonintrusive–it lets us decide how to add web to our app, unlike other frameworks (Grails/Rails/Django), which do all of the deciding for you.
EAT.PRAY.MOVE organizes, facilitates, and instructs yoga retreats in Italy and other Mediterranean areas. This is a simple crud website hosted on Google App Engine using Scalate for templating and highchair for persisting scala objects to the Google data store. Unfiltered runs the show.
lssn.me is a simple URL shortening service hosted on Google App Engine. Unfiltered services the requests and highchair handles persistence.
The event site for the North East Scala Symposium is written using Unfiltered’s filter plans and hosted on Heroku. https://github.com/nescalas/northeast-scala-symposium
The documentation preview server in pamflet is Unfiltered.
picture show
Self-contained slide-show presentations authored in basic markdown, served in html and css served by Unfiltered.
scalaxb-appengine is an Unfiltered API to run scalaxb over the web on appengine.
A super simple run anywhere adhoc HTTP server using conscript and the Unfiltered jetty module.
penger.no is a Norwegian web based service whose aim is to help consumers compare the prices and terms of bank and insurance providers to find the best offer.
REA Group
REA Group is a digital advertising company that operates Australia’s leading property websites and real estate websites in Europe, Asia and the US. Unfiltered is our default choice when building the Scala-based HTTP microservices that power sites like https://www.realestate.com.au.