Required Parameters

So far we’ve learned know how to define implicit interpreters from a sequence of string to any type T and use them with[T]. Now we’ll see how to use the same interpreters for required parameters.

Your “required” Function

The failure to supply a required parameter must produce an application defined error response. We’ll define a very simple one.

sourceimport unfiltered.request._
import unfiltered.response._
import unfiltered.directives._, Directives._

implicit def required[T]: Requiring[T, ResponseFunction[Any]] =
  data.Requiring[T].fail(name =>
    BadRequest ~> ResponseString(name + " is missing\n")

The name of the function is not important when used implicitly, but call it required is a good convention since you may also want to use it explicitly when defining interpreters inline.

Using “required” Implicitly

With a required function in scope we can use it with any implicit interpreters also in scope. The interpreter is imported from the Directives object, so we can use it immediately.

  unfiltered.filter.Planify { Directive.Intent {
    case Path("/") =>
      for {
        opt <-[String] named "opt"
        req <-[String] named "req"
      } yield ResponseString(
        s"opt: $opt req: $req"
  } }

Let’s examine the output from this one with curl:

$ curl -v -d opt=hello -d req=world
opt: Some(hello) req: world

Since req is required to produce a success response, it’s not wrapped in Option or anything else; the type of the bound value is whatever its interpreter produces.

Using “required” Explicitly

Most interpreters work with an option of the data so that they can be chained together in support of both optional and required parameters. Required is itself an interpreter which unboxes from the Option, so it generally must be the last interpreter in a chain.

  unfiltered.filter.Planify { Directive.Intent {
    case Path("/") =>
      for {
        in <- ~> required named "in"
      } yield ResponseString(
        (in % 10).toString + "\n"
  } }

This service returns the last digit of the required provided integer. Since we didn’t provide a fail handler for, it falls to required to produce a failure response.

$ curl -d in=1334534
$ curl -d in=1334534a
in is missing

To be more specific, we can supply a failure to the integer interpreter.

  unfiltered.filter.Planify { Directive.Intent {
    case Path("/") =>
      for {
        in <-,v) =>
          BadRequest ~> ResponseString(s"'$v' is not a valid int for $k\n")
        ) ~> required named "in"
      } yield ResponseString(
        (in % 10).toString + "\n"
  } }

Now each failure condition produces a distinct error.

$ curl -d in=1334534a
'1334534a' is not a valid int for in
$ curl
in is missing
The source code for this page can be found here.